盲亀の浮木 Mouki no fuboku.

  • 解釈:大海中に棲み、百年に一度だけ水面に上がる盲目の亀が、海上に漂う一本の浮木の穴に収まった寓話(ぐうわ)。出会うのが極めて困難なこと。また、滅多にない好運に巡り会うことのたとえ。
  • Literal:Wood in which the blind tortoise floated.
  • Interpretation:It is extremely difficult for it to come. It is to come across rare good fortune. It is as hard as for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
  • 類義:一眼(いちがん)の亀、浮木に乗るが如し。盲亀も時に会う。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.